Service Times
8:00am – Holy Communion (BCP)
After the Service you are most welcome to stay for a friendly chat over a cup of tea/coffee etc.
9:30am – Eucharist (NZPB)
After this service there is an opportunity for a friendly 'mix and mingle' at which tea/coffee is served. This is a great time to renew acquaintances and make new friends.
9:30am – St. Paul's Sunday School
During each School Term a special programme is arranged for children while the 9:30am Service is in progress. For enquiries about this programme please phone the Vicar on 09 486 1010.
10:00am every Wednesday – Weekday Communion
Special prayers are said at this Service for those known to be unwell and for many other reasons. The people we pray for sometimes live in places other than in our Parish. This service is followed by morning tea/coffee.
Services conducted elsewhere in the Parish
Park Lane Retirement Village: 10am – First Tuesday in the month.
Lady Allum Retirement Village Chapel: 11am – Second Thursday in the month.